Rune Travel

Rune Travel

School: Alteration

Level: 7

Range: 0

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: Special


Material: a rune placed at the desired destination


Casting time: 3

Save: Neg.


When cast this spell allows the caster, and any creature he touches, with equipment to instantly travel to the location where the chosen rune has been inscribed. Rune inscription may only be done by a Wizard mark cast by the creator of the rune. A wizard may use one rune per level to mark destinations. Destinations are not required to be on the same plane of existence as the origin, but must e reachable through a direct border or via astral or ethereal space. In all cases, the rune must be stable during the casting.

If the chosen rune does not exist, a random rune on the same plane will be used. If no such rune exists, a random place on astral or ethereal space will be the actual destination.

On arrival: If the space is unoccupied, all is well. If, on the other hand, the exact spot is occupied, the entire group is placed in the nearest unoccupied space, within 200 yards of the rune. If the caster can fit, the group will be split in those fit along with the caster and those who does not.

A newly placed rune must stabilize for 1d6 days prior to use, if a rune is moved 1d20 days are required for stabilization. If used earlier, the actual destination will be in etheral space instead of the expected prime or elemental location. If the expected destination was an outer plane, the actual location will be a random astral location.

As a general rule for spell failure, if the astral or ethereal space is not accessible from the target runes plane of existence, instant disintegration results.

Gennem konkrete erfaringer og videre analyse er nogle detaljer om Rune Travel dukket frem.

  • Begrebet ‘nearest unoccupied space’ er ikke koncist. Hvis ikke der findes et passende sted indenfor en radius af 200 yards, vil de rejsende blive deponeret i æteren fremfor i materien(ethereal space). Vand er lidt specielt eftersom det er meget lig den humanoide krop. Vand der er flydende og under kropstemperaturen er at betragte som unoccupied space.
  • Begrebet ‘stable during the casting’ involverer også bevægelse af mediet hvorpå runen er skrevet. Eksempelvis vil en rune i en kørende vogn ikke fungere – står vognen derimod stille, i forhold til planet den eksisterer på, vil runen kunne anvendes som destination, uagtet at vognen har flyttet sig. Det kan give ubehagelige overraskelser for den forhastede troldmand når han således dukker op et uventet sted. (sten fra en borgmur kan også have flyttet sig  -f.eks. ned i voldgraven eller ud på slagmarken.

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