Magi i Gengaril
Om Gildet for magi i Gengaril
Om Gildet for magi i Gengaril
For at opdage at der kastes spell (hvis spellcaster forsøger at gøre det skjult) skal der klares et perception check med følgende modifiers: +1 / spell level. +3 / casting time (casting time 1->+3 , casting time 9->+27) -1 / caster level. +5 for material component. +3 for somatic component +5 For åbenlyse handlinger som dans, gems der smadres etc. -2 for dårlig belysning -6 for komplet mørke (herunder usynlighed og hide in shadows) -1 til 5 for baggrundsstøj hvis der er…
Spell Research At some point, almost any player character spellcaster is going to want to try his hand at spell research. Devising a new spell is a great way for a character to make a lasting mark on a campaign, as noted above, but it’s also a fun exercise for the player and the DM; a new spell customizes and alters the campaign and the game itself. While both wizards and priests can research new spells, it’s much more common…
Basics Regler fra “High level” bogen gælder modificeret som beskrevet nedenfor. Requirements To create a magical item, a character needs the appropriate level of skill, a suitable place to perform the work, the correct materials and processes to complete the item, and often the enchant an item and permanency spells. Character Level Wizards can create potions and scrolls at 9th level and other items at 11th level, provided that the necessary spells are available. Priests can create scrolls at 7th…